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Leadership Principles

Many years ago, I read a fascinating book on Leadership. ¨21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Follow Them and People Will Follow You)” – John C. Maxwell

Throughout my life, I have personally found these laws to be true and I have sought to apply the principles of John’s teaching to my own leadership style.

Last year I invested a significant amount into my own personal development. From that I would like to give you a synopsis of John’s book. I thought it might be helpful to share something of my life journey as it relates to these laws. I know that you will find this useful and life changing if you take the time to reflect on each Law and then implement the principals in your life

Module 1Leadership – the Lid
Unit 1The Lid – Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.
Module 2Leadership – Influence
Unit 1Influence – The true measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less.
Module 3Leadership – Process
Unit 1Process – Leadership develops daily, not in a day
Module 4Leadership – Navigation
Unit 1Navigation – Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.
Module 5Leadership – Addition
Unit 1Addition – Leaders Add Value by Serving Others.
Module 6Leadership – Solid Ground
Unit 1Solid Ground – Trust is the foundation of leadership.
Module 7Leadership – Respect
Unit 1Respect – People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.
Module 8Leadership – Intuition
Unit 1Intuition – Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.
Module 9Leadership – Magnetism
Unit 1Magnetism – Who you are is who you attract.
Module 10Leadership – Connection
Unit 1Connection – Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.
Module 11Leadership – the Inner Circle
Unit 1The Inner Circle – A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him.
Module 12Leadership – Empowerment
Unit 1Empowerment – Only secure leaders give power to others.
Module 13Leadership – Reproduction
Unit 1Reproduction – It takes a leader to raise up a leader.
Module 14Leadership – Buy In
Unit 1Buy In – People buy into the leader, then the vision.
Module 15Leadership – Victory
Unit 1Victory – Leaders find a way for the team to win.
Module 16Leadership – Momentum
Unit 1Momentum – Momentum is a leader’s best friend.
Module 17Leadership – Priorities
Unit 1Priorities – Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment.
Module 18Leadership – Sacrifice
Unit 1Sacrifice – A leader must give up to go up.
Module 19Leadership – Timing
Unit 1Timing – When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.
Module 20Leadership – Explosive Growth
Unit 1Explosive Growth – To add growth, lead followers—to multiply, lead leaders.
Module 21Leadership – Legacy
Unit 1Legacy – A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession.
Module 22About David
Unit 1About David Campbell