Business Consulting - David Campbell - Australia    


Lead your business in the right direction

An Independent Certified Coach, Speaker, Trainer And Executive Consultant

David, a proffesional business consultant in Canberra has worked in the Public, Private and Not-For-Profit sectors in varying roles, since 1981. Throughout David’s career as a Military Officer, Executive Officer and Consultant, he has gained a very sound knowledge of business consulting and the Information Technology discipline. David is also a published author on the topic of leadership

David, the business consultant in Canberra has led the process of reform within a number of organisations and has brought to the consulting profession a unique understanding of the pressures in both the public and private sectors and the impact of Government regulation upon business. David understands the changing requirements and time frames of projects within the Business environment and has considerable experience in leading and managing geographically dispersed teams. David offers a range of professional services to Government, Private and Not-for-Profit organisations including quality business consulting services, and small business consulting.

David has worked at the SES level as a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Branch Manager developing relationships across the spectrum of management within an organisation. David is now a keen Business Consultant.

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Assessment Tools

DISC is a simple, practical, easy to remember and universally applicable model for the evaluation of behavioural styles. It focuses on individual patterns of external observable behaviours and measures the intensity of characteristics using scales of directness and openness for each of the four styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious.

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Thinking Style Assessment

The Thinking Style Assessment is not a psychological, intelligence or aptitude test. Unlike many self report assessments, this assessment objectively captures your thinking pattern.

This Thinking Style report documents your brain’s natural selection process when making decisions. Understanding the ability to process information is directly linked to strengths and potential blocks to performance. Thinking and mental processing ability, like musical talent or sports talent, can be learned and improved. Some talents can be great assets in some situations, but can become a hindrance in other situations.

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Learning Styles Questionnaire

The Learning Styles Questionnaire simply helps individuals understand their relative preferences as they learn and to better manage their transfer process in the future.

It is intended to help determine where people’s general preferences or natural learning biases might lie. Although this is far from an exact science, the simple view is that the more we can understand about how we perceive new information or new learning, the better and more successful our learning transfer will be.

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Emotional Intelligence Styles

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer & Salovey, 1997).

Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and can be seen as measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.

This assessment serves to:

  • Heighten awareness of the various areas of emotional intelligence
  • Indicate relative strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide a framework for personal and professional improvement
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Motivation Styles

Research shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They’re able to more quickly recognize situations that will make them more successful. As such, it’s easier for them to find ways of achieving objectives that resonate and align with their motivations. Those who understand their natural motivators better are far more likely to pursue the right opportunities, for the right reasons, and get the results they desire.

Motivation helps influence behaviour and action. For superior performance, it is vital to ensure that your motivations are satisfied by what you do to drive your passion, reduce fatigue, and inspire yourself.

The Motivators assessment is the result of Dr. Eduard Spranger’s and Gordon Allport’s combined research into what drives and motivates an individual. The dimensions of value discovered between these two researchers identify the reasons that drive an individual to utilize their talents in the unique way they do. These pages will help you understand your motivators and drivers, providing a clear course on how to maximize your performance by achieving better alignment with your passion for what you do and your behaviour.

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performance gap indicator

The Perormance Gap Indicator


Company-wide assessments are a powerful way to pinpoint - without bias - gaps and struggles within an organisation. Why waste weeks or months conducting interviews? Used regularly, organisations are empowered to continually confirm ROI and monitor change. Use them within individual departments for more targeted insights.



What if your executive and leadership team had a 360° view of themselves? Imagine having the ability to process the collective perceptions of how others see you. Often times, the way we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us are two very different things. Our 360° assessments empower users to compare their self-assessment with their observer’s assessment feedback. What makes our 360° assessments unique? Unlimited observers for a flat price! Available Reports:

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  • DISC 360
  • Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) 360
  • Leadership Effectiveness 360
  • Platinum Rule "Do Unto Others As THEY Want Done Unto Them."
  • Platinum Rule Leadership
  • Platinum Rule Sales
  • Platinum Rule Plus Observer emphasis with supporting self data.
  • Communication Styles Self emphasis with supporting observer data.

Communication Styles Plus Observer emphasis with supporting self data.


Are you ready?

Roll up your sleeves and come work on the foundations of your business. Find out how to plan for growth, drive sales & strengthen client interactions.